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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  September 17, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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back later for the fox report at 7:00 eastern, 6:00 in oxford. down 47. not horrible. still near record highs. have a great afternoon. "your world," is coming up right now. >>neil: this is not abroad, but here. one-year-older but not a year wiser. the occupiers are back the money message is as confusing out in force trying to shut down wall street today, targeting big banks like hsbc and the new york stock exchange itself prompting 100 arrests and indicating they are far from done. the protests are expected to
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continue into the evening. get ready. the 99 percenters are just getting started. welcome, everyone, glad to have you. the occupy movement is doing its best to be the shutdown movement on wall street today. it did not work because the folks who trade stocks still traded. business as usual amid the streaming protesters outside. my next guest says wall street wasn't phased because occupiers message wasn't resonating. my guest should know. he works on wall street and he and their brother held a counter-protest demanding occupiers occupy a deck. they tried to hire and not a single taker. and now, back with us now. how was it? >>guest: today it was a walk in the park. literally. i went to zuccotti park and last year at this time, as you know,
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we went out there and tried to hire some occupiers and tried to make at least a counter-protest, maybe give them an idea about getting a job rather than sleeping in a park and we met tons of resistance last year. this year, i strolled right through the park, got some inside remarks about not having my 99 percent uniform but other than that, it was, like, the old toothless dog on the porch. >>neil: what happened when you and your brother were trying to hire protesters there? other wallet guys tried to do something similar to a plan or woman they reported it was tough to find people to come up and even apply. >>guest: we held a job fair right in the middle of the park and that was one of the best tactics the mayor bloomberg saw as far as clearing the park because there were hardly any takers. there were a few people that came in and gave their resumes and we set them up with interviews but to no avail, no one met muster and no one showed up for the appointments, one or
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two that did, showed up unprepared and maybe mocking us or whatever it was but they were not in the market for a job. >>neil: what do you think, then, as now, the protest is about? >>guest: in the beginning when this started i felt like it was good they energized some people if they had a single message. the single message should have been that we need our federal policies to change and let that trickle down to better bank regulation. their message became fragmented, their message became a left-wing liberal zealot message. as it stands today and i try to speak to a few people they still da now have a message. when you have a protest and a message you get a result but they do not have a single result other than costing the city as ton of money to protect the people and then to clean up after them. i have not soon any change in the message or a single focus
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message. >>neil: do you think anything changed? you mentioned the numbers a few months back, a year ago, even, versus now? it is not the group and the force it was. what do you think happened? >>guest: i think what happened it got too fragmented and the people that came out with the core message we trying to get at the federal policies that allowed too-big-to-fail to happen, those people got muffled out by the larger message. when we go down there now it looks like a collection of woodstock veterans and homeless people and they are holding up cardboard signs. >>neil: they wanted to make wall street the focus because the argument was they were the source of the bailouts more than the other industries. did it muster anything? >>guest: no. i tried to give some advice to the occupiers that what they
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needed to do was point their message at the federal policies that allowed too-big-to-fail and the bank blowout. what they say is here's the bad guys. but 85 percent of the people that work in the wall street area are regular middle-class working people making a living, living paycheck to paycheck. they are not the people allowing this to happen. you have president obama's number one fundraiser, jon corzine, whose company can now find $1.5 billion and no one is pointing at the president and saying, why are these federal policies still allowed to continue but they point out regular working people down on wall street. to be honest, it is good for them, let them have their day in the sun for nothingness but it seems the movement is washing away. >>neil: thank you, and fair and balanced on the other side, someone who thinks the movement is not a waste of time. you heard what john was saying.
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what do you say? >>guest: well, i think that actually john and i agree on a couple of issues although i think the biggest place we diverge is in the idea that occupy should want to go about things the way we think they should. right in there was a great article about the tyranny of consensus that occupiers really should read and should figure out how they can thought have a centralized message because why think they need that, but, how they can work in conjunction with one another, to become --. >>neil: but they are not doing that. you have to have a point to the rally. antiwar by its definition is antiwar. there seem to be a lot of svetching and not a lot of clarifying. >>guest: yes, the press could not follow a broad message which i don't necessarily think --.
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>>neil: i would not hang it on the press. i would hang it on the demonstrators. >>guest: can i make my point which what is really important for us to realize is no one was talking about the wealth inhe quality and the wealth gap before occupy came on. they have an umbrella message, it is that. how do we get our wealth inhe quality to not be so great senate that is where you see the magazine men station? i get to choose a lot of different laundry detergent why not a lot of different options on making america more fair. >>neil: i didn't understand that. you explain your beef, the organizing, what john pointed out wall street tried to hire those frustrated and they would not take folks up on the jobs when offered a chance. does that dilute the cause when we are more prone to protest
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than to get a job even when offered a job. >>guest: first of all, i think to just hold a job fair to get back at people who are protesting the wealth inequality is not a way to get at them. >>neil: do you care if it is for show or cameras? here is an opportunity. one woman was hired, a former occupier, who worked in the system, she was hired, and now she went out on her own and she is doing great. >>guest: but we have to allow a space for that. that is what i am trying to say. whether it is the tea party or whether it is occupy, people on the fringe should be allowed to protest. >>neil: no doubt but the tea
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party worked --. >>guest: wait. occupy --. >>neil: the family worked in the system, worked in the system to change the system expel -- and elected 80 some odd new members. >>guest: i don't know if i agree that everyone in the tea party is working in the political example you are giving. i want to highlight that the occupy movement has been able to get cuomo to rather verse his stand on the millionaire tax, they have kept this idea of --. >>neil: you are crediting the occupiers with getting cuomo to blink on that? >>guest: i am crediting occupy with part of it, absolutely. they are feeding the hungry in oakland, right? they were able to get or get a medical lab, these are small protests that do not get covered by the mainstream media. this is what they are doing every day. it is actually more effective. like you said with the family,
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they went local. it is actually more effective for them to get local, figure out what they want to do locally, and, then, have that emerge as a much larger movement. at the end of the day, movements take a long-term to get started. >>neil: their numbers are a fraction of what they were. the movement takes time, it takes numbers, they are going the other way. the numbers are declining. they might change that but they are going the other way. >>guest: it does take numbers and numbers come at flash points. if you think thunderstorm -- there were 100,000 people planning the march on washington, or you think rosa parks was the first to sit on the bus and get arrested, then you have no idea. >>neil: if you compare those manners to those who marched in support of rosa parks, you have another thing coming. >>guest: the reason why dr. king started talking about socialism in a democracy, and the reason --.
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>>neil: when you compare this crowd with the crowd that rallied with dr. king and with him --. >>guest: i have studyied under diane knapp and under bernard lafayette, and they talked about the poor people's movement, so --. >>neil: i love you dearly but martin luther king is rolling in his grave. >>guest: you cannot whitewash martin luther king by making it seem like he did not care about wealth and unequality. >>neil: you are making a leap to compare these protesters. >>guest: what i am saying --. >>neil: the protesters risked their lives. these guys camped out. >>guest: i watched women get punched in the face by cops. that is taking a huge risk. >>imus: i wish we had more time. actually, i'm grateful we don't. in the meantime --. >>guest: happy birthday, neil. >>neil: and now the attack on america over there, can it be
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>> in afghanistan, hundreds of angry protesters set fires to car, and chanting "death to america," and that is part of the new and spreading wave violence in the middle east, all targeting american interests. it is ugly, and deadly and if my next guest is right, only the beginning. a retired colonel ralph peters, this is getting, colonel, beyond messy. this is catching fire everywhere. what is going on? >>guest: what you are seeing is the catastrophic and comprehensive failure of president obama's middle east policy. he got it exactly wrong. the constant apologies backfired in the middle east, men do not apologize for anything, everything. when the islamists and
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terrorists look at us they see weakness because of the apologies because obama after victory, ran from iraq and leaving afghanistan, and that is something i agree with, but i am giving you the islamist viewpoint the he has not stood up to iran. to them, he just seems very weak. they are actually astute. they are smart. they set up the 9/11 attack, holding back news of the video, and contrary to ambassador rice carefully planning the commando attack on our chance -- consulate. >>neil: you think the administration views this as spontaneous and was not a planned, coordinated type of event but that is just dumb. >>guest: i believe this administration will do or say anything to get through the november elections. as a former soldier, i can tell you, this is no way that complex
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multiphased attack on our embassy in the safe house and the assassination of our ambassador was a spontaneous outburst over the film. the film was a useful tool for this islamist terrorists to get a flash mob in the streets as a distraction but you could not have done this with all the coordination and heavy weapons on the spur of the moment. it just does not work like that. at the u.n. either ambassador rice was just speaking white house talking points and didn't know she was lying or she was lying. you cannot get there. the libyan government on-the-spot has said this was a planned attack. we are telling the libyans they do not what happened on their soil because we are smarter? the administration is getting very desperate. obama has unleashed demons. he cannot control them. i will tell you, neil, there is something that strikes me that no one in the media picked up, the uncanny resemblance between
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rebound blaming americans rich for our ills and the islamist extremist blaming america for all the ills, we are seeing global class warfare and jealously which is exploding. i don't think the administration is going to be able to keep a lid on it. >>neil: where does this go in with the arab uprising, it went on for about three months and comes down. we did not know this would emerge after. how long does this go? >>guest: it will sputter on for weeks, at least. the hangover will be longer. in the middle east, it is not politically correct, i know that, but i am telling you, the only thing that is respected is strength. an arab using english word would call obama's apologies womanly. in the arab world you only, a man only apologizes when he is absolutely subservant weak position with no choice. our president meant well.
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he wanted to turn things around with the arab world. but he does not bother to understand it and, at the same time, his visceral dislike of israel is leaving us without any true allies in the middle east. it is pathetic and sad. this are opportunities in the troubled arab spring uprising that we are doing our best to squander. >>neil: thank you, ralph peters, very interesting. thank you very much. in the meantime, think just because nine out ten of them vote democratic mitt romney has given up on hispanics? think again he just raised the stakes, big time, today. [ female announcer ] they can be enlightening. hey, bro. or engaging. conversations help us learn and grow. at wells fargo, we believe you can never underestimate the power of a conversation.
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>>neil: this was the scene moments ago, mitt romney
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speaking to members of the u.s. chamber of commerce, the hispanic chamber of commerce addressing immigration and unemployment with the hispanics. this is a push to court latino voters emphasizing the rising latino stars backing him. why are the numbers barely budging? we turn to a texas republican. why is that? what is going on here, sir? why do latinos, generally, vote almost lock step, democratic? >>guest: well, neil, i am a life-long american, born here in texas, a son hispanic parents. they immigrated in mexico. i represent a 70 percent hispanic district. this is a preface: the issues here in texas are jobs, the economy, health care, and
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education. those the top issues. i also think there is so much rhetoric coming from the obama camp and the democrats. they are employing a rhetoric of division and rhetoric of mistruths that tell the hispanic community these people are the boogieman and that is the problem. as i go through my district, that is 70 percent hispanic, the issues are concern whether their spouse will maintain their job; whether the children will be able to get a good education and find a good job in 9 economy when they grow up; and whether mom and dad will have health care available when they grow old. >>neil: what is interesting, if you look at the shear stats and the minority of unemployment at 14 percent in the african-american community among latino youth or 20 percent, the
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argument could favor a challenger there if for no other reason to see if the other guy does better. and it is not. it might change. what if mitt romney got it together in addressing the hispanic business leaders? what do they want to hear more of? >>guest: i think what they want to hear, clarify what the administration has done the you have clarified it there. among hispanics, we are approaching 11 percent unemployment. among hispanics, we have education that is failing our communities. we have a lot of the things -- health care that is failing our economy. the economy is failing our community. many things are hurting the hispanic community more so than the general american population. that needs to be brought out. we need to see our way through this morass of negative and
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divisive rhetoric coming from the democrats and the obama administration. >>neil: congress machine, thank you very much. >>guest: thank you. >>neil: two his point, it is the economy, stupid. the white house wants to prove it is a winning issue, too. some startling news could have them questioning their timing there. do you remember the time this guy was the favorite over this guy? true. he was. for a while. funny thing with history, though.
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i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. >>neil: critics piling on and writing mitt romney off. >> mitt romney will not be president of the united states. >> let me ask you --. >> everyone knows that. >>shepard: this headline sparking off with the whole team behind mitt romney struggling with two weeks before the first presidential debate. larry sabato says the race is anything but sealed. we need to revisit history when we look back and in 1980 is the easiest comparison. that was a race that was tight, actually, days before the election in a famous debate and this exchange i want you to comment on. i want your reaction after you watch this. >> next tuesday all of you will go to the polls and stand there in the polling place and make a
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decision. i think when you make that decision it might be well if you ask yourself: are you better off now than you were four years ago? >>neil: that was the defineer. >> it was one of the definers. again, if people want to go back and they look at a lot of different sites, and they will see, neil, that, in fact, that race was not a slam dunk until the very end, until, really, that last week. that debate, that one carter and reagan debate a week ahead of the election date, that, really, helped to focus people on what matters to them. think of elections as almost a massive snow storm. you have feet and feet and feet of snow that have been dumped on the average voter. at the end people shake it off and they determine which pieces
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really matter to them. >>neil: but the debate was the defining moment then as four years later when, after a lackluster first debate with mondale, ronald reagan came back with these remarks. i will not make age an issue of this campaign. i am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience. >>neil: that turned it around. how significantly so? >>guest: that was important for reagan because in the first debate he lost his place and the age factor came into play. but that revived his candidacy, although he was never really in trouble. even walter mondale laughed at that great come back. >>neil: we are reminded again and again, dukakis led for a while, and george bush sr. and the famous rape question in the
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1988 debate. react to this. >> governor, if kitty dukakis were raped and murdered, would you favor a death penalty for the killer? >> no, i don't. >> he gave a very academic response, and it sealed the deal. but, it does remind us, again, about the debates and how mitt romney could, or could not, change this dynamic. >> neil, the reason people tune in the tens of millions, is because even though they memorize a lot of the lines, there are still unscripted moments. people are surprised by what the candidates do or don't do. sometimes a zinger will change people's minds, a sound bite, a gaffe by a candidate.
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or just a general impression how a candidate did. these things are more important than we give them credit for. they are not just cheering secretarieses. they really can make a difference for whatever portion of the electorate remains undecided. >>neil: we will go through some real quick polls here and this could startle some people, different points where the guy who lost was leading. by a lot. i only do this and go through this exercise, to remind people that it doesn't always have to be that way. some of the others, debates or not, they showed that the race was tight and suddenly, things widened out or you could have a point where it is carter over reagan or a point later on where it was gore over bush, or john mccain over obama. but the bottom line, things change. what gets them to change in a big way?
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what becomes the force that does it? or is that still rare? >> you always look for inflection points in a campaign. an inflection point is a point when people really pay attention, for whatever reason, it could be a debate, could be a gaffe, could be a big international event, and suddenly you have the attention of the people. that inflection point can become a decision point for millions of people if something important happens. if a dramatic step is taken by one candidate or the other. if the candidates show their trueselves. so, you always look for that in a campaign and you never know in advance when they are going to happen. >>neil: who is the favorite going into the debates? the president? because everyone knows him? who? who is? >>guest: the partisans have already decided, they know who they will cheer for but the people who have not decided,
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they are quite open minded about it and they will approach the debate that way. they think they know both of these people to a certain degree. they know the incumbent better than the challenger but most people will remain open minded at least until the first debate is over. i don't know about the second or the third but the first debate, usually, people will think carefully and give both side as chance. >>neil: thank you very much. the columbus, ohio, trip where the president is and governor romney hammering his in new ads. >> my plan is to help the middle class. trait has to work for america. that means crackdown on cheaters like china and opening up the new markets. next, balance the budget. you have to cut the deficit. you have to stop spending more money than we take in. >>neil: in both campaigns focusing on what they plan to do , and my guest, governor
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engler whether would you like do see whoever wins do? >>guest: we need the growth. that has been the missing element the last few years. we are just growing way too slow. 2 percent g.d.p. versus 4 percent, that is a big difference. that means job creation. that means economic activity and it there are specific things. duke university asked, along with a group of cfo's nation-wide survey, they said the qe3 will not do it. we need growth. we need the economic activity. we need sales. we need certainty. we need policy stability in washington, predictability. we would add that tax return has to be in there. we have the highest corps taxes in the world. sweden announce need are cutting their corporate tax rate from 22 percent after lowering it to 26 percent. >>neil: and france has coverage at 75 percent. they are not all marching to that.
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the difference is president obama is saying pretty much what i have given you, i will give you more, i think the trend is my friend, the infrastructure and government initiatives, that is paying off. and romney says the opposite, i will cut your taxes, that is the best way to create a boom and off we go. does the roundtable have any position on this? >>guest: we don't endorse candidates. we do not even do evaluation of congressional voting records but what we do is talk about what it takes to get america moving and we do not think that, now, 45 months or so with trillion dollar deficits, and the high unemployment, that is not the way to do it. we have never re-elect add president with these numbers so the debate will be very interesting. >>neil: were you surprised, governor, that this president's polling is as well as it is? particularly in the battle ground states such as yours? dough spite all of that. >>guest: yes, but you look at the carter and reagan numbers
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and i think it is early. it is still 50 days. despite the polls, the american people understand they get to make the decision. ultimately though can cast the ballots. they have never voted in an election and re-elected someone with these numbers. so the president has a challenge governor romney has a challenge. the ad uh-ohed is helpful but the debates are going to flesh this out and they have to do well. >>neil: a lot of your business guys are good at marketing and they say mitt romney has not marketed himself well or presented the right image and the latest ad campaign some say is late. >>guest: i don't think it is late. i won three in michigan but the first one, the polls said on the weekend before the election we will lose 54 to 40 percent. a lot of the polls do not know who will vote. i don't think they are capturing
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the economic discomfort that so many families -- it has touched every family in america. everyone has a family member, everyone knows someone that has been hurt in this economy. the wealth of america is down something like 40 percent in the last few years. we have the lowest participation in the maybe market. that is why the unemployment rate is only a little above 8 percent so we have work to do. at round table we layed out an agenda what we call c.e.o. plan for jobs and economic growth with 100 c.e.o.'s coming to down this week and, again, we will say, you have to get to work the we will need the russian trade agreement undone when that is just a little step that we be helpful. we cannot get anything moving in this town. that's a question of leadership. >>neil: well watch closely, governor, thank you very much. good to see you. >> two million iphone 5's selling in 24 hours. so, if this is such a lousy economic recovery, what is that
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all about? ground) things have been a little strange. (sfx: sound of piano smashing) roadrunner: meep meep. meep meep? (sfx: loud thud sound) .. hey. hey eddie. i brought your stuff. you don't have to do this. yes i do. i want you to keep this. it'd be weird. take care. you too. [ sighs ] so how did it go? he's upset. [ male announcer ] spend less time at gas stations. with best in class fuel economy.
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>>neil: if everything could be like it goes for apple, they keep growing, and shares hitting $700 a pop after hours, and just shy of the milestone early in the day they reported two million iphone 5's sold in the first day alone, that is twice as many as the iphone 4s. so, how bad can the economy be when so many are shelling out hundreds of dollars for a stupid phone? well, not a stupid phone but it is a phone. >> well, if all of these sales were in america, we might have something to discuss here but the iphone 4s, 63 percent of them were sold outside of this country. so this is reflective of a few things: amazing global who which does not get the credit for being the underpinning for the
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amazing stock market rally we have. capitalism. and competition. listen, people are out there now, i will say, americans who are buying this, in my mind, reflect something altogether different. it is a drop out society we have. >>neil: you mention the global recovery. intel and some of the others do not see that recovery doing what it did and are warning. so is this short-lived? >>guest: i don't think so. intel, they have specific issues, and they have been pc centered, and i am not into the plaid of the burberry, so there is that. and we do see luxury retailers but it is all about competition. but with respect to america, what is interesting, people are spending money in this country, no doubt, despite the fact their incomes are down and the swelt
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down dramatically, they are just not saving like they used to. what they might have saved before for college or retirement they are saying, i will spend it. when they decide to spend they will buy things like this. >>neil: you have argueed, if it is worth it to them. they will not spend a lot of money on junk but only if it seems to be worthy they buy it. is there a message here? is it a lesson? >>guest: sure, if you make an amazing product people will buy for millionaires to people on public assistance. germany has an amazing economy, and it is an export economy, they sell things people pay premiums for. we pay more for german cars and german coffee machines. if it is made in germany we pay more. unfortunately, apple is one of the few american companies people pay more for. >>neil: and they use workers in china to manufacture the
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phones. we do not begrudge that. >>guest: well, when steve jobs passed away everyone wanted a part of it. trying to claim he was a hippy or he had the sole of a 99 percenter but all of the business actions were that of the ultimate 1 percenter. >>neil: but the 99 percenters are this with the iphones. >>guest: always being dadded in by the friends from colombia. i have to drive a cab for a year? america is unfair. that is a different subject. >>neil: thank you, charles. british royals asking a court to stop magazines from publishing pictures of the royal jewels of kate? do the royals have a case, baby? maybe not. ♪
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>>neil: the british royals rushed to block images of the top less kate middleton. the french argue that the photos are not considered shocking in modern society, and now an italian magazine is saying the same thing, that they are out there on the internet anyway so take a chill pill but the queen mum bigs to differ and the palace is filing civil and criminal complaints. do they have a case? >> the attorney says they do. explain. >>guest: well, in france, they have really strict invasion of privacy laws. all kate middleton has to establish is she wasn't flaunting in. clearly she wasn't. she was on a balcony in a private home. in a very remote home. and she has to show she was on private property. that is really it. >>neil: but slow a public figure.
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does she have recourse? >>guest: in france. in this country it would be a tough battle. but the same is? she won in the united states she would end up with presidents. she can win in france, she will end up with $20,000 in dams. nothing. >>neil: i noticed the royal family is not rushing to harry's defense, he build his own grave. she did nothing wrong the she did not ask. good she were to win this, and it is a leap, but if she were, what kind of message do you think that sends? >>guest: this is a warning shot to the press don't mess with the next queen of england. dianna was killed in their view by the papparazzi, they have laid off the royals but for harry which he got into himself and they are saying we will unlawful tolerate any behavior against this young lady. >>neil: what are the legal ramifications like for the italian magazine that is going to publish the photos?
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they say it is out there anyway. >>guest: now it is out there. but the laws are different in each country. the ramifications in france are for each time the publication is republished or the photos republished france has to pay more damages. in the end, it will not be veriful money, really, just a message. a lawsuit. >>neil: do you think celebrities, there is a tough time winning but in this case, when you literally chase them down and invade their privacy there is a difference, is that way are saying? and they are not asking for it. >>guest: if the papparazzi were encramping on the property and dress passing, that is one thing they should pay. and the law does make them pay. but in this case this is a tell foe photo lens from a large distance and the media can say, in france at least, she was on a balcony, the balcony was individualsible from -- visible from other locations.
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>>neil: all right i have no idea, but i don't feel like speaking french. thank you very much. >>guest: excellence french accent. >>neil: nancy pelosi says it is over and so does bill maher. 50 days out. .
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similarities are note-worthy. part of it is to believe -- hard as it is to believe, jimmy carter was leading then over the fellow a media deemed short of a dufus then. ronald reagan attack on what he called feckless foreign policy was considered become bastic at best and threat to the national security at worst. he was the cowboy with the loose lips and economic platform with loose facts. no way this cowboy could handle the world stage. no way his tax cuts could lead a world recovery. never mind history proved the cowboy could and the tax cuts did. 32 years ago this month, main stream media thought the republican challenger would given get a chance. like the stuff i'm hearing about the republican challenger this year. that he says dumb things, that he should know his place. and words have consequences. as if the actions of the
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president he is criticizing have no consequences. no, the challenge always on the challenger. an the media very dismissive of the challenger. particularly, if he is republican. in 1980, all but lecturing the candidate is seen to have concluded did not measure up. as if the economy then did. or the image abroad did. lost in the rush of instant polls is something i like to call receiving anger. it doesn't fume as much as it festers. over an economy that doesn't move. and the international image that does not improve. now let me be clear here. none of this is to say that mitt romney is reagan rogue or barack obama is jimme jimmy car. the challenger seems too stufffy. or another, the media loves barack obama. i don't think it got its arms fully around jimmy carter. but still, the challenger always has an uphill fight and


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